Ed Smith
Broadly speaking, my research focuses on the ecology and evolution of marine organisms. While I work on a range of organisms (including various invertebrates, fish and mangroves), much of my research to date has focused on the coral-algal symbiosis. I am particularly interested in how these symbiotic partners have adapted to environmental extremes, and how this sensitive partnership will respond to future climate change. A key aspect of my research approach is my ability to leverage cutting-edge technologies, and develop new analytical approaches to tackle unresolved fundamental questions in biology.
A Brief history
2002-2005: University of Southampton. BSc. Marine Biology with Oceanography
2006-2007: University College London/Imperial College London. MSc. Remote Sensing
2008-2013: University of Southampton. Ph.D. P.I. Joerg Wiedenmann
2012-2019: New York University Abu Dhabi. Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2012-2017) / Research Scientist (2017-2019). P.I. Dr. John Burt
2019-2022: UNC Charlotte. Research Associate. P.I. Dr. Adam Reitzel
2023: University of Warwick. Assistant Professor
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